International Premium Rate Numbers Services Reseller Online
IPRN Reselling Online If you have ever searched on the telephone news about the weather, contests, celebrity news, horoscopes, contacted psychics, voted for a TV-show or requested gambling tips; you are likely to have called a premium rate number . Many companies use international premium rate numbers as a micro-payment system for their customers. International premium rate numbers can be reached by mobile or landline telephone, and they provide services for prices higher than the normal telephone rate. Part of the call charge is paid to the telephone company- the normal rate- and part of the charge - that which is above the normal rate- goes to the IPRN service provider . Since these numbers are accessed at a higher rate and sometimes offer services with adult content telephone companies offer the possibility- and in some certain situations they are obligated to do so by law- of blocking services to prevent unwanted access to these numbers from landlines, especially by yo